"With the support of the Sangha, one can practice successfully, with ease, and accomplish quickly the great aspiration to help all beings."
-the 14th of the Fourteen Versus on Meditation by Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh
-the 14th of the Fourteen Versus on Meditation by Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh
Monday, May 24, 8:30 a.m. - 10:00 a.m.
Buddhist Puja & Blessing Ceremony
Tuesday, May 25, 7 - 9 p.m.
Sitting, Walking, Deep Listening, Tea and Dharma Talk
Last week of Resting with Peace Retreat
Today is the last day of our fast, and the start of the last week of our Resting with Peace Retreat. The ends of retreats are good times to consider what our path in life really is. It is a wonderful opportunity, and I invite you all, to share your aspirations, your hopes, your dreams, your concerns and your joys. Offering your presence is one way of sharing your aspiration. Without words, you sit, you walk, you listen and what you are offering is food for the community of practitioners and beyond to thrive on. And when you attend community events, you are ingesting the aspiration of those people around you. So wonderful when we meet together in peace, in freedom, in joy and solidity. I am confident in our ability as a sangha, a community of dedicated practitioners, to feed each other well. I have felt well-fed after Tuesday Nights and other events I have facilitated and participated in with our community and many of you have expressed similar sentiments.
A talk on Impermanence and sharing my aspiration
The other day I offered a talk on Impermanence; in the talk I shared my deepest aspiration and one of my deepest loves. So much of my life revolves around my spiritual practice--which isn't just spiritual it is emotional, it is physical, it is psychological--it is life itself. And when I sit on the lion seat, my cushion, or whatever I sit on for meditation and when I offer a talk about the practice and about my life that's when I feel so in love. And that passion and energy flows into so many other aspects of my life.
Thay's story in July 2010 issue of Shambhala Sun
I once heard Thay speak about his work as a Dharma Teacher, a Poet and a Social Activist, he said, "My life is my work." How he lives is his practice. Everything he is doing is contributing to society. The new issue of Shambhala Sun Magazine which can be purchased at bookstores like Barnes & Nobles and Borders or natural foods markets like Whole Foods has featured articles on Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh's life. It is interesting to know the history of this tradition. All of what I have talked of during our events together this month have been inspired by Thay's work, Thay's life. Thank you all, near and far, for supporting and being a part of Resting with Peace.Free downloads for all Brian Kimmel Talks
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