Friday, April 24, 2009

Miracle is You Tour Begins with You

Hello Dear Friends,

I'd like you to know of the wonderful new release of the first ever Thriving for Thrivers Audio Program, a Four-Talk Series called Healing Abuse with Mindfulness and Love. I'll be kicking off the release at events I will be doing in Portland, Oregon, a concert on May 15 and a two-day, four hours a day workshop Saturday and Sunday, May 16-17. Just in time for mother's day, give your mom the gift of freedom. Listen to the talks yourself, allow the flow of inspiration to pour into you, and put your True Nature, True Action, True Brilliance to work. You can also give the gift of a download or talk to a mother in your life so she can benefit from the inspiration the talks provide directly.

I've considered awhile whether I should release these talks or not, and have been working on them for several years. Finally, I've decided it is best not to keep them hidden. I've had all sorts of mixed perceptions about the survivors community, and recovery programs, why I haven't wanted to put these talks out and begin to work with survivors really boils down to one thing: FEAR! Ah-ha, fear is a common word, that many in spiritual circles and beyond have used as the cause for many of the world's ills, for me it is true. Fear prevents me from doing many things that I love doing, and that will be potentially helpful for those I love. So I write this letter to you, letting you know that I too have had doubts and fears, and I too am working to blast through them, sit with them and keep moving.

There is no time but the present, so live it. Visit Thriving for Thrivers site now, buy my downloads and CDs and register for my workshop and concert in Portland. If you can't make it, send someone who can--this is a life-changing event that will help you and those around you Thrive, especially in hard times.

Much love and support for you on your journey, Brian