Monday, November 16, 2009

No-thingness in Everyday Life

Dearest Friends,

I'm thinking of saying something really special, really important and perhaps valuable for your life. But nothing is really coming to me. It feels like I've been thrown into the world these last few months at Naropa University. For over ten years I've lived like a recluse. Always turning inward. But that inward turning was necessary. If I look at my childhood. I spent a lot of time agonizing over life, day to day activities were so challenging. When one confronts suffering in that way--that life is a challenge--there is a real opportunity for growth. For me, it has been of growth. So these ten years, growing into the man I have become, it took everything to get here. It took a lot of suffering to know what suffering is.

Free Downloadable Talks & Performances
Coming Soon!

One thing I feel more certain about is: whenever I or anyone else claims certainty over something it is erroneous. There is no certainty. If there is certainty, there is death. If there is death there is illusion. If there is illusion truth is invisible. The question is: how to make truth visible again. What is truth?

I am extremely fortunate to have experienced this life. The other day I went to a concert in town with a friend. As we were sitting there watching and engaging in the performance I realized what a treasure my life offstage is. I have chosen to not run after fame in this life. At least in these last ten years the practice, my own healing and transformation, has been a priority. Where would I be without it?

Music and the stage is all-consuming. It is hard to stop it--to stop the power of words, the power of thoughts; the power of motivation. And that's why the path I am on has brought me so much than what the stage could offer me. To an artist--art is their meditation. But can art bring liberation?

Creating something--art--is mechanical, a mind thing, a cerebral thing. Human beings create. The power of creation keeps us locked into our thinking mind. Once something is created it is transcended by the artist. There is a master working through the art. Art is a power, unmistakably, a power that wills whomever witnesses it to contemplate, to aspire, and to follow its lead. What we can realize is it is the power of mind that creates and paints the experiences of our lives.

When sitting in meditation mind seldom stops creating. Always playing. Always painting. Always singing the habits it has been in for a long long time. Desires. Cravings. Lusts. Wishes. Hopes. Dreams. Passions. Pondering. Admiring. Inspiring. Feeling. Thinking. Observing. And yes, mindfulness. Mind creates, that's what it has been conditioned to do. A liberated mind does not stop creating. A liberated mind creates more, only through the lens of liberation.

But the thing with liberation is that it is only complete when mind is no longer. Then the communication between mind and world is perfected. The perfect symphony is no symphony at all. What my teacher has written, talked and lived is the experience of no-thingness in everyday life. Can you experience no-thingness while sitting on the toilet? Can you experience no-thingness while talking on the phone? Can you experience no-thingness while making love? Cooking dinner? Walking the dog?

For me as an artist, a musician I want the experience of no-thingness, the perfection of no-thingness to be present within my art, within my music. So that means when I play, when I write, when I sing, I do my best to be in no-thing. I try my best to be liberated. My audience, too, is there to be liberated. This is not music to be consumed. This is music to enlighten you. This is music to experience wholly. This is music to enrich your spiritual experience.

I have only realized this a few days ago, so it is quite new. But, I think many people who have been to a show or a talk of mine have realized that my motivation is not about being on stage, writing and performing music for the sake of writing and performing music. My motivation is to free myself and all beings from suffering, and to clarify and enrich the essential no-thingness of all. No-thing is a place of no distinctions, not sameness and not different-ness. Not oneness and not otherness. That's where the practice, where the music and the song becomes experience. And it is about what only you can experience for yourself and help others experience for themselves.


©2009 Brian Kimmel.

Las Vegas Events with Brian Kimmel and Las Vegas Mindfulness Meditation Group: Music and Inspirational Talks to inspire love, peace and understanding. all events will be at the Pink House in Las Vegas near Cheyenne and Rampart. Please call 702-461-8422 for information and directions. All are welcome: beginners and those who have not been to an event at the Pink House. Cost is by suggested donation $20 each for Fridays Concert Talk and Sundays Day of Rest and Flow. No one will be turned away due to lack of funds. Donations will cover Brian's travel and living expenses. Tuesday Night group is an ongoing group--free to attend--donations welcome.

Tuesday, Dec. 15 / 7-9 p.m.
Tuesday Night Mindfulness Group
Special Topic: What's Schleppin? AND How to Let Go
Refresh yourself! Come for an evening of sitting, walking, lying down and deep listening meditation. Evening will include a short Dharma Talk and guided meditation. Beginners are welcome.

Friday, Dec 18 /
7:30-9 p.m.
Concert Talk for Peace
Special Topic: Waking Up!
Evening Meditation, Inspirational Talk and Original Music for Piano and Voice

Sunday, Dec 20 / 9:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m.
Day of Rest and Flow
Special Topic: Your Ordinary Wisdom Mind
Sitting, Walking, Lying Down, Deep Listening, Movement and Eating Meditation in Silence.

Healing from Abuse: Footsteps in Freedom, Love and Peace
An article I wrote is featured in the Plum Village community's international journal with a photo of Venerable Direk who has sat with our Tuesday Group in Las Vegas several times and is an abbot of a Thai Monastery in Las Vegas. It is downloadable at the link below. You can also order a paper copy at

The Mindfulness Bell issue #52 PDF is now available for viewing or download on the website at

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